Consent Preferences
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As your therapist, I need to process data (information about you) in order to provide you with a service. There are laws about how to do this, that I must follow to make sure that your information is safe and secure. I follow this in accordance with the Australian Counselling Association. Details are found at



I run my independent private practice from home and process your data there. I also run session online on Zoom, and individual meeting rooms are created for each client.



In the unlikely event that I need to cancel a session on short notice, I will inform you via phone, text, or e-mail.


Session Content

What you discuss with me is up to you and remains confidential. This means that what you say will not be shared with anyone else with the exception of supervision (see below).


There may be times when it is helpful to share information with others. In these instances, you and I can decide together what information gets shared and who it gets shared with. This will not be done without your consent.



All therapists are required to have supervision. This is to help them work in the best way that they can with you. In supervision I discuss your sessions and some of the content that you have shared so that they can continue working with you in ways that are helpful. I have a private supervisor who is independent to my practice.  



Although your confidentiality and privacy are considered to be extremely important, there are times when information that you share has to be shared outside of my practice. This is in the event that you share any information that suggests that either you or someone else is at risk of physical, emotional, sexual harm or neglect. I am also required to report any serious mention of an act of terrorism or money laundering.


In this instance, I will need to discuss this in supervision, to decide how best to help keep you or someone else safe. Every effort will be made to discuss this with you first, unless it is unsafe to do so.


Files and Notes

When you start therapy, I will make up a file that will include information about you.  This is so that I can continue to give you the best service. This file will include your client contract, your attendance to sessions, brief session notes and any other information that is relevant to the work we are doing together.  These files are password protected and are only accessible to me. Any hard copies are stored in a locked cabinet in my private office which is only accessible to me.



I use a secure email server. If for any reason documents containing your information needs to be emailed to anyone outside of the practice, this will be password protected.



All of the information held about you will be held for 7 years after your file has been closed. It will then be destroyed. Electronic information will be deleted and hard copy files will be shredded or disposed of via confidential waste.


Accessing your information

You have a right to access the information that I hold about you. If you would like to access this information please let me know and I will discuss this with you as well as my supervisor. Yu will be granted access within one month of your request.


Right to be forgotten

You have the right to request that your data is erased. If you would like your data to be erased please discuss this with me.



You can make a complaints verbally to me, or written directly to Road To Recovery on the website

  1. Complaints can also be made collaboratively in the Complaints & Incident Form, whereby we both sign off.

    • Alternatively, complaints can be directed to the Australian Counselling Association at 1300 784 333, or submit a complaint form

Or; to NDIS Policy and Safeguard Commission at 1800 035 544, or submit a complaint form 

Any written complaints received either will be addressed within 48 hours.

You have the right not to be victimized during the investigation process.

All communication and resolutions will be communicated with you.



If an incident happens, involving you and me/ the counselling service that have caused loss, damage, harm, or risk of serious harm to the property, the environment, the peoples involved, or another person- there will be a proces2 

  1. Harm includes death, injury, illness, and disease. I will have to notify Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation, as well as the NDIS Commission.

  • If it is about:

  • death of a client; serious injury, abuse or neglect of a client, unlawful sexual or physical contact between the client and the counsellor; the use of restrictive practices, and assault.

  • I will report these incidents within 24hrs.

  • If needed, I will provide immediate support to re-establish a safe working environment.

  • If needed, I will also provide psychological first aid.

  • If appropriate, I will contact 000 and/or your emergency contact person immediately.

Incidents are recorded collaboratively by you and me in the Complaints & Incident Form, whereby we both sign off.

This allows for us to be fully informed of the incident, gives an opportunity for explanation, and for corrective actions to be discussed.

You will be informed about the progress of the incident.

You are encouraged to provide verbal, or written feedback.


*Please note that there is no wheelchair access in this facility.


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